Friday, 31 July 2015

Extraordinary People Awards Announced Hon. NqabayomziKwankwa Outstanding International Leadership Award

Brentwood, TN- Hon. NqabayomziKwankwa has been selected for the 2015 Outstanding International Leadership Award for his Xenophobia Awareness Campaign.
Extraordinary People Awards identifies people that they believe have achieved exceptional success in their local community by helping the lives of others.
“Being selected as an Extraordinary People Award Winner presents a great opportunity to create buzz in the media and throughout the industry, bringing honoree’s front and center among potential clients and partners.” said founder Dr. LaVerneAdekunle. Hon. Kwankwa is an exceptional iconic leader in the 21st century and we welcome him to the United States.
Extraordinary People Awards will be one of the most prestigious international award the organizations bestows.  It honors the recipient’s lifetime of achievements, humanitarian aid, volunteerism as well as contributions made in global communities.
The gold star statuettes will be formally presented September 12, 2015 at the beautiful 5 star hotel Anatole Hilton in Dallas Texas. The 7 member advisory team is a distinguished panel of pastors, film producer, authors, and journalist.
For a complete list of international honorees visit
About Heal The World Mission
 Dr. TolaOlukilede, Founder of Heal The World Mission, aside from scholarship, provide relief materials and support to widows and the needy in terms of food, shelter, visitation and financial support. By these efforts, we desire to enable more people find hope and care as they go through the various challenges of life.

About laExpose’
laExpose’ devoted to exposing gifted and talented professionals as a “random act of kindness” offering simple marketing and advertisement to aspiring professionals. Giving back or paying it forward is a prerequisite for being a member. laExpose’ seeks to identify, recruit, and educate a new generation of talents teaching gratitude, integrity, and community service. 
Media Contact:
Executive Director, Tina I. Walker


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